Life happens

Like anybody else, my life is full of good intentions. Such as posting frequently on this blog. I schedule time for this and that and try to keep organized. And then life takes over and challenges me to adapt and be flexible with all those well laid out plans.

The challenges presented this month have had to do with a few medical problems in my family. Nothing serious, but private enough not to share them here. I’ve been running around accompanying two family members on visits to the doctor, lab tests, and even one hospital stay. Being there for family has therefore involved setting priorities for this website. Keeping the patterns coming always wins over the chit-chat on this blog. (-:

Over the last week, however, I have managed to do a little quilting. I hope to have some time this weekend for a little more (although I’m still drawing!), and hopefully will post a picture of that soon.

In the meantime, thanks for checking in!

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  1. admin
    Posted May 8, 2010 at 10:06 pm | Permalink

    Life happens
    Submitted by mdhess08 on Tue, 03/24/2009 – 02:17.

    Hi! I am new on your site, and a few years ago, I had taken a tour of your site and all the wonderful things you create. My name is Morgan, and I live in south Florida. I love quilts, and I must always be looking at them, collecting items for quilts. I had an accident a few years back, it was a deal, where chemicals burnt my lungs, and I am just now able to live off my breathing machine. (during the day). I am still sick, yet a million times better. I have really enjoyed reading your blog. You express yourself so well. That is something I am trying to do better with…expressing myself. Those chemicals were for cleaning a hair salon, after hours to make extra money.
    I am just realizing the full impact of my condition. How it has altered my life entirely. Yet with a heart that always goes forward, and is very positive…I just know I will get better a bit at a time. Therefore, I read how you love to read, and I do too. I love also to watch movies…and I write in a private journal every day.
    I am trying though to draw you a picture of who I am, and even though I feel young I am 55 years old…,and sort of looking to how I will live my life now, where working is out of the question. I catch every bad thing going around. So I quit doing hair after 38 years of doing that with a lot of passion. Now of course my other passion is quilting, and anything to do with quilting. Therefore, I want to open a shop of my own, which will be all about quilts, and I will make up kits of my own. My oldest son, Jeff is designing the site for me. I am rather excited for the new journey I will take on. Seeing all of your creative ways and such talent you have only stirs my insides to get great ideas of my own. Thanks for hearing me and I know I shall enjoy being here to learn, and see some wonderful ideas you whip up. To meet new people too is always very exciting! Morgan

  2. admin
    Posted May 8, 2010 at 10:06 pm | Permalink

    Thank you for sharing
    Submitted by admin on Wed, 03/25/2009 – 12:03.

    It is always great to hear from visitors. I am always humbled and touched when any of you choose to share of your lives and the importance that quilting has for all of us. It is a reminder of how grateful we all should be to belong to such a unique, healing community. Angie

  3. admin
    Posted May 8, 2010 at 10:07 pm | Permalink

    Welcome to quilt-addicts communitiy, Morgan
    Submitted by ipraragon on Thu, 03/26/2009 – 19:49.

    Hi, it’s nice to read about more people who loves the same things we do. I really complain what happens to you, but it’s great to see the way you’re managing your situation, as hard as it could be. And yes, life gives us challenges. Last year I began to quilt, spending a lot of time in sewing the projects of my quilt-class, and even my own. But in november my mother got a severe problem with her column, and now she needs to be attended all the time. So, although my sister, our daugthers and me share her care, I have less time to spend in what had became my hobby, and maybe, my job for the future. (I`m 56) But with a few organization, I’ve been supplying a sewing corner at my mother’s home, so you always see me carrying since a small bag (containing the heart coasters I couldn’t finish for Valentines, but maybe be ready for mother’s day) to a large tote bag with a quilt, or the project I must finish for my friday’s class. It’s a madness! but anyway, I’m a little mad so I enjoy it. Hoping to hear more from you, Morgan, I say as Angie, “warm regards”

  4. admin
    Posted May 8, 2010 at 10:07 pm | Permalink

    Hi Thanks
    Submitted by mdhess08 on Fri, 03/27/2009 – 03:39.

    I want to Thank you both Angie, and Irene. I just read the letters back to me. It made me smile. It is late now, and onto my breathing machine, I go. Yet tomorrow I will chat some more. It is Nice to meet you both and looking forward to moving forward into quilting more than I have been able to. . Nice chatting with you both. Morgan

  • Angie Padilla

    I am a self-learner. I taught myself to sew and to quilt. And I taught myself how to draw. I love to dye my own fabrics, am a fanatic of free-motion quilting, and dabble with mixed media. I am a quilt designer and teacher, and design and publish my own line of quilt patterns. With this blog I would like to share the bits and pieces of my life.

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