Ulu quilt

I’ve finished my little Hawaiian quilt (only 15 inches). I decided to go with a very simple version of the traditional breadfruit design. I had to know if I enjoyed the technique before committing to something larger.

It has been nice doing hand work for a change. For a larger piece, however, I think I would prefer working with a more contemporary design, adding at least one more fabric. It might just be me, but working with only one fabric might get a little boring for me. And I don’t know how much echo quilting I’d be willing to commit to. But I am willing to consider a more elaborate design. 🙂

Now it’s back to UFOs for me.

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  1. Posted April 14, 2011 at 10:55 am | Permalink

    One of my favorite Hawaiian designs. I’ve bought a couple of tie-dyed type fabrics for mine, but haven’t started yet. Congrats!! It’s very pretty.

  2. Posted April 14, 2011 at 10:07 pm | Permalink

    Great job Angie. Beautiful.

    I also have a King size Hawaiian quilt with Breadfruit design on my bed tonight, but have made many Hawaiian quilts & wallhangings. For me, I love the process and the designs. I hope you do too!

    You are probably aware, but the Breadfruit quilt design is a traditional design that has special meaning. It is also supposed to be the first design that a woman creates, as I understand it means that there will always be food on the table…or something along those lines.



  3. Posted April 18, 2011 at 9:04 am | Permalink

    That is a beautiful block and beautiful quilting.
    I am not good with blocks that have to be exact, I tend to sew crooked;)


  • Angie Padilla

    I am a self-learner. I taught myself to sew and to quilt. And I taught myself how to draw. I love to dye my own fabrics, am a fanatic of free-motion quilting, and dabble with mixed media. I am a quilt designer and teacher, and design and publish my own line of quilt patterns. With this blog I would like to share the bits and pieces of my life.

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