Liebster Blog Award

I was tagged over the weekend by Wayne Kollinger for the Liebster Blog Award. Now normally I wouldn’t participate in a tagging game, but this time I was intrigued, for two reasons.

1. I really like Wayne and the way he thinks. Because of him I find a ask more and more frequently of myself and my approach to quilting what could very well be his two favorite words: what if? So I figured any award tagging he would participate in would have its merits.

2. I wasn’t being asked to be share what I consider silly information. Like what my favorite flavor of ice cream is or if prefer the color red over the color green.

So what is this Liebster Blog Award, anyway? As Wayne explains it…

Some time (in the recent past), somewhere (rumor has it that it might be Germany), someone (I guessing he/she was named Liebster) decided to do something nice for a whole lot of bloggers and started the Liebster Blog Award.

It’s an award you receive, but it is also an award that you give. If you receive a Liebster Blog Award you are asked to choose 3 other bloggers and send them one as well.

Ok, then, these are the *rules*: this award is meant to highlight small blogs. So the blogger receiving the award links back to the blogger who awarded him/her, and tags 3-5 people. For those I am about to award, I should also point out there is no obligation to continue this award. If this is not your cup of tea, don’t worry.

The value behind this award is for us to get to know other bloggers who might not be well known, yet have a lot to share. And we see that. This is not about growing your list of followers (believe me, it won’t happen), but of building a community.

Thank you, Wayne, for this award, for your kind words and for highlighting my blog. I am oh, so flattered.

I, in turn, would like to pass this award on to some of my favorite bloggers in the quilting community:

1. Bev Andersen is a member of our quilting website and a fellow EQ junkie. She sews, and sews and sews. And she makes me so very happy because a lot of what she sews are my designs. I am not able to sew half as much as she does, so I live/sew vicariously through her. Now Bev and her family are facing some challenges right now, so it is perfectly understandable if she chooses not to continue with this award. But I do hope you will take the time out to visit her blog. She’s got me first in her list of labels, so I’m tickled pink. Hint, hint. 🙂

2. Sheryl Till is another EQ lover. I’ve *known* her for probably a decade now, and I love her quirky style. Right now she has a really fun BOM going on, so you won’t want to miss that! Everything she writes about quilting is great, but her family and daily life stories are even greater!

3. Nikki McGonigal is a young (Generation X?) quilter I’ve been watching for only a few months. And she’s growing. So much so that pretty soon she will probably not qualify for this award. I love her down-to-earth style and her ENERGY! And I think you will love her, too.

Have fun getting to know these three lovely gals! And to get the most out of this, take some time to check some of the back links. You’ll be glad you did!

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  1. Posted February 21, 2011 at 6:29 pm | Permalink

    Angie, I am so honoured. I don’t know what to say……..I really don’t. I am never speechless, but this time I am. You are my inspiration, you truly are. I love your designs. I wish I could make them all, but sadly I do require sleep once in awhile. I will think about three people to pass this award onto. It won’t be today, but will be in the coming week.
    Thank you Angie. As I said, I am truly, truly honoured.

  2. Posted February 23, 2011 at 9:59 pm | Permalink

    I don’t know what to say. You continue to flatter me beyond words.
    You know how much I value your opinion, and your sweet words mean so much to me.
    I am honored!

  3. Posted February 28, 2011 at 4:55 pm | Permalink

    Hi Angie. I’m so pleased that you nominated me for this award! Thank you so very much.

    Sheryl aka QuiltingTizzy

  4. Posted December 18, 2011 at 8:19 am | Permalink

    What a lovely tribute to your friends! My mother was an exquisite quilter; I, sadly, never learned it, but I do have a few of her beautiful quilts to warm my heart.

2 Trackbacks

  • By Liebster Awards « Veganthropology on November 2, 2011 at 11:41 am

    […] little over a week ago, Abby, the writer of the blog, A Soy Bean nominated me for a Liebster Blog Award! The only way I can explain how much I love her blog is to say that being named by her as a […]

  • By Good News! « The Things I Love Project on February 16, 2013 at 9:46 am

    […] a happy day today. Ruth of the blog Kangath Knits has nominated me for a Liebster Blog Award. I’m really honored and happy that such a fantastic blogger and designer (seriously, check […]

  • Angie Padilla

    I am a self-learner. I taught myself to sew and to quilt. And I taught myself how to draw. I love to dye my own fabrics, am a fanatic of free-motion quilting, and dabble with mixed media. I am a quilt designer and teacher, and design and publish my own line of quilt patterns. With this blog I would like to share the bits and pieces of my life.

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