Mama’s Sayings

Once again, even the best-laid plans can go awry unexpectedly. I had every intention of finishing the quilting on my Sister’s Choice quilt last week. Then Thursday I woke up to a terrible cold. I hadn’t been sick in years and now all of a sudden I fall ill twice in one month! I guess I hadn’t fully recovered from the first bout when this one kicked in. And I’ve been dragging for almost a week. Today is the first day I actually feel “normal” again.

So… with all the aching and waterworks, I certainly didn’t feel like struggling with the large quilt, so have continued to ignore it this week. I hope it doesn’t count as cheating, but even while sick I have a hard time sitting still, so I did manage a little sewing. And some embellishing.

I worked on this little wallhanging (13″)  for Jamie to take with her to school. She wanted to take the large wallhanging she has in her room, which seemed impractical to me, so I promised to make her two little ones instead. This is one for her to remember me by, with some of the constant little sayings she has heard from me over the years that characterize our relationship. I hope she likes it. (-:

I also managed to get quite a bit of drawing in for our Christmas in July projects this month. Here’s a teeny sneak peek:

This entry was posted in Designing/EQ, Wall hangings. |Comments closed

One Trackback

  • By Anonymous on May 8, 2010 at 8:25 pm

    Hope you’ll be well soon!
    Submitted by ipraragon on Fri, 07/03/2009 – 18:13. (Old blog)

    Angie, qué pena que estés enferma, deseo de corazón que te recuperes pronto. Qué lindos mensajes para tu hija, seguramente le ayudarán a sentirte cerca cuando le ataque el “homesick”. Es maravillosa una relación madre-hija tan linda como la de ustedes, y seguramente ella es una gran muchacha. Mis mejores deseos para ella también, y que Dios la proteja siempre y logre sus metas propuestas. Saludos

  • Angie Padilla

    I am a self-learner. I taught myself to sew and to quilt. And I taught myself how to draw. I love to dye my own fabrics, am a fanatic of free-motion quilting, and dabble with mixed media. I am a quilt designer and teacher, and design and publish my own line of quilt patterns. With this blog I would like to share the bits and pieces of my life.

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