A blessed time

Do you feel 2016 has been a tremendously chaotic and painful year for our world? It seems to me this last year has been charged with more hate, turmoil and sadness than in previous years.

It is impossible not to be affected by events around the world, and with Christmas quickly approaching, I cannot but feel terribly sad for the thousands of people trying to flee their war-ridden countries, or shivering in inadequate refugee camps.

So it is with humility that I write this post. Because I am so very much aware (and grateful!)  of my privileged life. As I write, my sweet daughter lies asleep in one of our new guest rooms. She is spending these few days with me catching up on both some work and some much needed sleep. The house is quiet and peaceful and truly a haven of rest.

The tree is up and other decorations have been set out. Cookies have been baked and my unassuming handmade gifts are finished. The only task left is to wrap them. After such a hectic year with the building, this Christmas season has turned out to be very relaxed and unhurried.

It will be a quiet, intimate, family time. My granddaughter has already arrived from the U.S. Her brother has already been here since August. My three children and their spouses, my mother, and my nieces… what a blessing to be able to share this time with them!

And, of course, my four-legged family members, who are as happy as can be in this new house. Crazy Oliver has settled down quite a bit and is turning out to be a very sweet dog.

Not seen here is my new dog, Patches. Always running around, it’s been hard to catch her on camera. But there will be plenty of time to share about her, trust me. 🙂

And there still is our old, slow Remi, pooped out from all our moving around the last four years, acts oh, so very happy in his new home. And, of course, has found his favorite spot from which to watch the family.

I hope this time of year finds you, too, enjoying meaningful, blessed moments. Warm greetings and blessings for you.




This entry was posted in Christmas, Family. |Comments closed

One Comment

  1. Leni
    Posted December 29, 2016 at 11:53 am | Permalink

    Thinking back of the Christmas time we shared… 1986…! I am eagerly looking forward to seeing your new house, Angie!
    One day…, I am still dreaming of coming back to Ecuador – si no es solo por una visita!
    Abrazotes!!!! Y besitos!!!! Leni

  • Angie Padilla

    I am a self-learner. I taught myself to sew and to quilt. And I taught myself how to draw. I love to dye my own fabrics, am a fanatic of free-motion quilting, and dabble with mixed media. I am a quilt designer and teacher, and design and publish my own line of quilt patterns. With this blog I would like to share the bits and pieces of my life.

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