Tag Archives: felt ornaments

‘Tis the Season…. Fa la la la!

As you may (or may not!) have noticed, I took a few *personal days* off from blogging. Since I spend so much time on the computer drawing, writing, tweaking the website, etc., every now and then I find it is IMPERATIVE for me to stop and actually do some sewing! Otherwise none of this makes […]

Posted in Books!, Christmas | Comments closed
  • Angie Padilla

    I am a self-learner. I taught myself to sew and to quilt. And I taught myself how to draw. I love to dye my own fabrics, am a fanatic of free-motion quilting, and dabble with mixed media. I am a quilt designer and teacher, and design and publish my own line of quilt patterns. With this blog I would like to share the bits and pieces of my life.

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