Dove progress

Another Thursday and another gathering of our sewing circle. My friends arrive around 9 o’clock and after the usual greetings we settle down to sew. Naturally, show and tell comes first. Bachita, Susy, and Luchita are certainly making progress on their Christmas Dove projects.

They keep astounding me with their intricate stitches. Just look at these samples – all hand-stitched!

Mariangela left the pieces she was working on back in Italy (since she will be returning at the end of the month), so she decided to start on a small wall hanging she could finish quickly:

Elena is the one in the group who most enjoys machine work. She has small children and is a working mom, so tries to use her time efficiently, as there is little of it for quilting. Here she shares one of her current projects: a quilt for her 3 year-old daughter.

I am the only one right now who is not working on a quilting project. I am really into knitting for the moment, so am working on several projects while the bug is still biting. (-:

I think I’ve mentioned this before, right? I LOVE Thursdays!

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  • Angie Padilla

    I am a self-learner. I taught myself to sew and to quilt. And I taught myself how to draw. I love to dye my own fabrics, am a fanatic of free-motion quilting, and dabble with mixed media. I am a quilt designer and teacher, and design and publish my own line of quilt patterns. With this blog I would like to share the bits and pieces of my life.

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