A week in a nutshell

It’s been eight years since so many family members (on my Ecuadorian dad’s side) gathered together in one place. Last time there were over 100 of us, so we decided to hold a one-day reunion at a park. This time the number was closer to 40… in part a sad reflection of how many have left us, either because they have passed on or because couples have broken up or divorced.

Still, whenever a family gets together there are many things to celebrate. I won’t bore you with countless photographs of people you don’t know. Just a little sample of how full this past week has been for me, with my crazy, often weird, always wonderful extended family.

Quite obviously, there were lots of wonderful meals, often with typical Ecuadorian food…


The original venue for our big family get-together once again was the park, but the day started out gray and drizzly, so we changed plans and decide to congregate at my mother’s house, the only one large enough to hold us all. And good thing we did, because it not only poured, but hailed heavily. We started our meal outdoors, but soon had to retreat indoors to avoid getting pummeled by hail…

And though a lot of loved ones have left us over the years, new family members have also arrived on the scene. Like this two-month-old little baby – Luba – the youngest in the crowd. (You might recall I was knitting for her just a few months ago!)

And her wonderfully devoted dad… oh, so tender!

There were also visits to the handicraft market. Here with my sweet daughter and my favorite cousin!

And a visit from out-of-towners would not be complete without a trip to the colonial part of the city. On this occasion we found a new café, with the most spectacular view I have ever seen of the city. The camera we were using wasn’t the best. Rest assured, however, that this place is going to become a favorite hangout, and next time I go I will definitely take a better camera!


A packed, sometimes tiring, yet thoroughly delightful week with loved ones!

This entry was posted in Family, Life in Ecuador. |Comments closed


    Posted August 2, 2011 at 4:39 pm | Permalink

    Hola Angie!!
    Qué maravillosa reunión con la familia degustando comidas típicas y paseando por bonitos lugares.
    Habitualmente nos reunimos con la familia de mi padre que es muy numerosa …140 personas y más…esta vez será en septiembre para celebrar los 80 años de una tía… y suelen faltar algunos…pero muy pocos.

  2. Posted August 2, 2011 at 8:50 pm | Permalink

    Glad you had so much fun. My husband’s family is big on reunions and I almost always have a great time! We average anywhere from 40 to 140 depending on how many generations are involved.

  3. Irene Pratdesaba
    Posted August 3, 2011 at 1:35 am | Permalink

    Qué gusto que hayas tenido una alegre y satisfactoria semana con tu familia, Angie. Esas grandes reuniones dejan siempre recuerdos gratos. Algo especial que noto: creo que es la primera foto en que te dejas ver en tu blog, no? Excepto, claro, tu foto del perfil. Te ves muy bien, y tu hija linda como siempre. Ah, y qué linda vista la de tu ciudad, con esa tarde nublada un café calientito habrá estado de maravilla.
    Un caluroso abrazo,

  • Angie Padilla

    I am a self-learner. I taught myself to sew and to quilt. And I taught myself how to draw. I love to dye my own fabrics, am a fanatic of free-motion quilting, and dabble with mixed media. I am a quilt designer and teacher, and design and publish my own line of quilt patterns. With this blog I would like to share the bits and pieces of my life.

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