Tribute to a friend

I find that in blogging there is a very fine line between being open and accessible on one hand, and sharing way too much personal information on the other. I would hope I strive for balance. And although I prefer to deal with personal issues privately, sometimes I know I have to step out of that comfort zone if I want to be genuine in what I share. This is such a time.

As you know, I belong to a weekly sewing circle. Not only do we sew together, but are also close friends. Now, quite suddenly, we have lost one to death. Our friend Luchita took ill a couple of weeks ago, and died a few days later. A week ago last Thursday. Right now we are all grieving… we cling to each other, and know our group will never be the same again. We also know we want to keep our friend’s spirit alive among us, and pay tribute to her. We will miss her sense of humor… and particularly this little habit she had of bursting into song at rather odd moments. There is much we could say about her, and not enough space to do so. So for now I just want to use this moment to share a few photos with my friends, to remember this very gentle and kind woman who touched our lives deeply.

(click on the thumbnails for larger images)


One of the things we always kidded Luchita about was her growing number of UFOs. In her defense, I have to say she did exquisitely perfect appliqué, and took her time with it. And she did finish projects beautifully… as you can see.

 Many, many years ago I had a conversation about death and dying with yet another friend who deeply touched my life. He was facing a terminal illness and knew his life would soon come to an end, and was extremely generous in sharing his thoughts and feelings on the subject. When I asked him if he was afraid of dying, he told me his only fear was to have gone through life without leaving a mark, without being noticed. (Which was not the case.)

Those words have always stayed with me. And as I now mourn the loss of another friend, I know this is what I would want her to know. Please allow me to say them in the language we shared: “Luchita, tu vida no pasó desapercibida.” (Your life did not go by unnoticed.)

This entry was posted in Sewing circle. |Comments closed


  1. Posted September 3, 2011 at 4:23 pm | Permalink

    your friend’s quilts are amazing! i am sorry that you have lost her and i really appreciate that you’ve shared your thoughts on preserving her memory.

  2. Posted September 3, 2011 at 9:09 pm | Permalink

    I am sorry to hear about your friend, she sounds like she was a remarkable woman and friend to all. Her quilts are beautiful and I know her memory will be close to all of your hearts.


  3. Posted September 3, 2011 at 10:00 pm | Permalink

    Dear Angie, I’m so sorry about the loss of your friend. You are in my thoughts. Stunning quilts she made. Take good care!

  4. Irene Pratdesaba
    Posted September 3, 2011 at 10:47 pm | Permalink

    Querida Angie, qué noticia más triste. Tú sabes que soy fiel y frecuente seguidora de tu blog desde hace 3 años, y una de las cosas que me encanta leer es sobre tu grupo de amigas de los jueves. El cariño que nos une a las amigas es profundo, así que imagino tu tristeza y la del resto de señoras de tu grupo, por favor expresa a todas ellas mis condolencias, yo estaré rezando y pidiendo a Dios que la tenga en su Gloria, aunque estoy segura de que así es. Sus trabajos son admirables, pero pienso que más lo habrá sido su legado de bondad y alegría, que se nota que irradiaba.
    Un cariñoso abrazo a tí, y a tus amigas.

  5. Posted September 4, 2011 at 5:24 am | Permalink

    Un recuerdo para Luchita, allà donde esté, y mis condolencias para los que la conocieron y apreciaron.
    Un besuco.

  6. Pearl Black
    Posted September 4, 2011 at 7:35 am | Permalink

    I am so sorry that we were not able to meet her when we were there. I can tell, from all you have said and from the photos, that she and I would have “hit it off” immediately. She DID do beautiful applique. I wish mine looked that beautiful. I guess : practice still makes p[erfect.”

    I am so thankful that you are feeling better. Time is a great healer, BUT at the same time, with loved ones, we NEVER forget AND their character and their mannerisms…..WHO they were will NEVER be forgotten. No matter how many others may join your group, HER presence and personality will ALWAYS be with your group….in the
    WONDERFUL memories.

  7. Sandra Clarke
    Posted September 4, 2011 at 9:14 pm | Permalink

    Angie, You and your friends are in my thoughts and prayers. It is so difficult to give up those whom we love so much. Your tribute to your friend was wonderful.

  8. Posted September 4, 2011 at 9:29 pm | Permalink

    I am so very sorry to hear of the loss of your friend, Angie. I know how much you enjoy the days you share together with your stitching group. I have enjoyed seeing Luchita’s work on your blog. Thank you to both you and her for sharing.

  9. María Jesús Vásconez
    Posted September 9, 2011 at 10:41 pm | Permalink

    Agradezco de corazon a Angie y a todas las garndes amigas de mi hermosa y dulce madre por la forma tan maravillosa de honrrarla a travez de este blog. Mi madre una mujer dulce y muy alegre. Estoy segura que está completamente feliz de saber cuanto la amaban y lo importante que ella fuey seguirá siendo en sus vidas. Gracias

  10. Mónica Viteri
    Posted September 26, 2011 at 11:57 am | Permalink

    Angela querida: Nuestro círculo de costura también perdió a una de las “chicas”: Angelita María, hermana de mi marido y nuestra amiga adorada murió después de una larga y penosa dolencia. Lamento el vacío que ustedes sienten ahora porque nosotras también lo estamos viviendo.
    Leo en tus líneas el hermoso recuerdo del querido Pablo. Él también, como todos nuestros seres queridos, son recordados con inmensa ternura y agradecimiento por todo lo que compartieron en su tiempo aquí en la Tierra con quienes tuvimos el privilegio de conocerlos.

  11. Mónica Viteri
    Posted September 28, 2011 at 11:07 am | Permalink

    Hola querida Angela:

    Nuestro círculo de costura también perdió a una de las “chicas”: Angelita María. Nuestra adorada amiga falleció después de una larga y penosa enfermedad y ahora sentimos que el vacío es grande.

    Sé que es a Pablo a quien recuerdas. Imposible olvidarlo. Tuvimos el privilegio de conocerle y de gozar de su amistad, de su humor y de su generosidad.

    La vida es hermosa y está llena de esperanza y de bellas memorias. El recuerdo de quienes caminaron con nosotros alguna vez alumbra nuestra ruta.

    Un abrazo,

    Mónica Viteri

  • Angie Padilla

    I am a self-learner. I taught myself to sew and to quilt. And I taught myself how to draw. I love to dye my own fabrics, am a fanatic of free-motion quilting, and dabble with mixed media. I am a quilt designer and teacher, and design and publish my own line of quilt patterns. With this blog I would like to share the bits and pieces of my life.

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