A creature of habit

The last few weeks have been hectic. With school starting up in early September, it has taken a bit of time to organize schedules (everyone in this household has been on a different one!) and get into a routine. I’m not sure I’m quite there.For the past few years our household has consisted of adults, with too-short-visits from the grandkids to break up the routine a bit twice a year. With a “regular” family (i.e.with kids) there is now all this extra activity around here. Like cleaning. And piles of laundry. And I had almost forgotten people actually need to eat! Which means I am back to cooking. Not my favorite activity, except when someone else helps (usually Julian), which then makes it fun.

What I have realized over these past few weeks is that I definitely am a creature of habit, and adapting to other people’s schedules and needs does pose a challenge for me. The up-side, of course, is that I totally enjoy all the time focused on family (and especially the grandkids), even with all the hustle and bustle and commotion that sometimes entails. I’m hoping that things are now slowly starting to “settle down” (if that’s at all possible!) and that I can now get back to some of my regular activities. Like work! 🙂 And maybe a little blogging, wouldn’t you say?

I want to use a little space today to post some pics for Alexia and Julian’s mommy and family back in the U.S. Probably the most important event for them this year back in Ecuador is the school their dad has placed them in. Makes me wish I could go with them. The place is awesome. It certainly does not have an institutional feeling. It’s out in the country, surrounded by woods, and the buildings feel more like a home than a school. And classes are small, averaging about 15 students per class.

Here are a few pics… (click thumbnails for larger images)

In between there have also been other activities. Like art exhibitions…

…lots of cooking…

…fabric painting and dyeing…

And, oh yes. I had forgotten to mention that in late August Julian participated in the local Zombie Walk. His big sis Alexia did a wonderful job with his makeup, don’t you think?

And here’s a clip of that Zombie Walk where you can actually see Julian for just a few seconds (advance to minute 3:21)! (His dad refused to dress for the occasion. Now that would have been some sight!)


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One Comment

  1. Allison
    Posted September 22, 2011 at 1:45 pm | Permalink

    I love reading your blogs. It helps me keep up to date! Phone calls are good but this is great. Thanks Angie!

  • Angie Padilla

    I am a self-learner. I taught myself to sew and to quilt. And I taught myself how to draw. I love to dye my own fabrics, am a fanatic of free-motion quilting, and dabble with mixed media. I am a quilt designer and teacher, and design and publish my own line of quilt patterns. With this blog I would like to share the bits and pieces of my life.

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