When life gives you scraps…

2014-172Whenever I see someone post a tip on “how to use your fabric scraps” I go running to see. Invariably I’m wrong. You see, it seems my concept of what scraps are is different from others’. Scraps for me are what other quilters –no matter how frugal– throw away.

I’m talking about itty, bitty, less than 1-inch scraps. And trimmings. And very odd shapes. What to do with them? Well, here’s an example:

You can go from this…


…to this…


… which then becomes this… 🙂


This entry was posted in Scrap busting, Small quilted projects. |Comments closed

One Comment

  1. Pearl Black
    Posted May 15, 2014 at 9:33 am | Permalink

    Dearest Angie,

    It is ALWAYS a joy to read your blog and especially these days, when you have opened your heart with your HISTORY and true feelings…..on life.
    I can never thank you enough for the afternoon we spent in your previous
    home with Jamie. It was as if we had been “friends” for YEARS. We are so happy that you have a new place, irregardless of the problems….knowing that
    you will NOT alwsays be THERE! We do “feel” your pain, when you mention the COLD and RAINY days. Louisiana has never been a state to have problems with “cold weather”. However, we had the WORST winter, last year,
    than in the history anyone remembers. And here it is May, and we are still having cold days and nights. But the strange thing is that one day will be real hot, and that night and the next day real cold.
    I trust that your Mom is doing good, in spite of the bad weather.

    We are still traveling, BUT, for whatever reason, we have not been invited back to Quito, since we saw you. It may be the bad economy all over the world. The churches and their activities depend on their income. When people
    are out of work, or their wages have been cut, they can not give as they used to do.

    All of THAT being said, we never forget you and pray for you and your business. I was SO UPSET, several years ago, when, quite my accident, I
    saw some of your patterns on a website, as if the patterns were THEIR OWN.
    I KNOW you finally got it all settled, however, it is so unfair for other quilters to do something like that. NOW, realizing things about your income, that we were not aware of fully, we can be praying more intently for you to get MORE
    subscribers and able to sell more in the Pattern Shop and the Applique Garden.
    I am sorry to admit, I have not done that particular thing, because mainly, I have many of the patterns already, and also because I have so many patterns, I rarely buy anymore.

    For the past 3 years I have dedicated myself (when able) to my friend, who has been very sick…..BUT whose hearts’ desire has been to make a quilt for each of her grandchildren……1 boy and 5 girls. I have finished #4…..with 2 more to go. I love her and am determined to finish the project….but I will be so glad when I finish the last one, and can dedicate myself to MY OWN PROJECTS. I HAVE SO MANY THAT I WANT TO DO.

    They were: #1 (for the boy) Black, Gold and Cream. I used New Orleans Saints fabric, with a pattern called Louisiana. It contains a BIG Fleur de Liz
    in the center. #2 Was Double Wedding Ring – with bright colors #3 was
    Dresden Plate…..also with bright colors…..#4 Now I have finished Grandmothers’ Flower Garden. #5 The background is lOG CABIN
    SQUARES – one side will be pastel fall colors, and the other half Dk. Purple.
    THEN a 48″ X 48″ Purple background square, containing a BIG BOUQUET
    OF VARIED COLORS OF YELLOW AND GOLD SUNFLOWERS WITH 2-3 DIFF. COLORS OF GREEN FOR THE LEAVES. I have not been able to even cut any of the fabric yet. We have been in and out of town. I feel that once it is all “cut”, it will go fast to sew it , and applique the center. THEN I will be finished, because a BIG BLESSING that I have is a neice, who has a quilting
    business and also a “long arm machine” and she does the quilting for me.
    She is in Pittsburg, PA, this week-end at the Spring Market.

    I need to go. I’m sorry if this has been too long. I probably should have just written you an E-mail. I too am happy that you have a fireplace. We have one too and without it we would have been a lot more cold last winter. It would heat the part of the house where we spend most of our time. We already have enough wood for next winter. Stanley looks for wood everywhere. Everytime he sees where someone has cut down a tree etc….he takes the truck and brings it all home. Later he cuts it up in pieces that fit our fireplace. Our son gave him a log splitter for his birthday, so it has been easier this year, so far, to cut up the logs.

    God bless you dear Angie,

    My love, Pearl Black

  • Angie Padilla

    I am a self-learner. I taught myself to sew and to quilt. And I taught myself how to draw. I love to dye my own fabrics, am a fanatic of free-motion quilting, and dabble with mixed media. I am a quilt designer and teacher, and design and publish my own line of quilt patterns. With this blog I would like to share the bits and pieces of my life.

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