Productive friends

My Thursday sewing circle met again this week, as usual. And, as usual, there was a lot to share and ooohing and aaahing as we admired each other’s work. A lot seemed to have happened this week as we shared of our lives, with all the joys and concerns of everyday living, which makes this group of friends special. This week we were all working on different projects. Luchita continues to work on her Flower Lattice Tablerunner.

Susy has been busy making a whole new set of table linens. Here are some of her napkins, with beautifully crocheted edges.

I, in turn, decided to do a little English Paper Piecing. You will be seeing these little babies again in the future, but I’m not telling yet what they are for!

Mariangela decided to start a new project – something for herself this time. This is the bib of a new apron – her pieces have been cut and she is ready to appliqué!

The biggest surprise of the day, however, was the new quilt top Mariangela shared with us, that she had been working on last week. We all absolutely loved it! It’s a shame that photographs never do true justice to the real things. Her selection of fabrics is just great.

Since I have been dedicating a lot of time to preparing samples for classes I have had very little time to do any “personal sewing.” As much as I love to teach, I know I also have to make time for my own sewing or I will become frustrated. So I have promised myself to take at least a few minutes a day to work on a personal project, and dedicate a morning or afternoon each week to learning something new (technique). This doesn’t have to necessarily be quilting or even sewing related – just something new to expand my mind.

I have to confess now that I am a book junkie. My parents were, so my siblings and I always grew up around books and naturally became collectors. I am very proud to have passed the habit on to my children. The down side, however, is that books begin to pile up and too often the stack of still unread books becomes so tall it spills over and leads to having to start a second, and third stack.

So complementary to wanting to learn something new every week I decided it would come from these books I have been meaning to sit down and actually read. On Wednesday I randomly pulled the first one from the stack: 50 Heirloom Buttons to Make: A gallery of decorative fabric, needle-lace, crochet, and ribbon and braid closures you can create. I purchased this book a couple of years ago, yet had never tried my hand at any of the buttons. What a waste! I quickly thumbed through it and immediately settled on the fabric covered buttons (of course). I already know how to use the commercial kits, which the book covers, so was intrigued with the other options. It only took a few minutes to make the Dorset Singleton button. So I had to share it with my friends on Thursday. In a matter of minutes we already had a small collection and agreed that quite possibly a new addiction was being born! Aren’t they cool?

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  • Angie Padilla

    I am a self-learner. I taught myself to sew and to quilt. And I taught myself how to draw. I love to dye my own fabrics, am a fanatic of free-motion quilting, and dabble with mixed media. I am a quilt designer and teacher, and design and publish my own line of quilt patterns. With this blog I would like to share the bits and pieces of my life.

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