Yet another election

Despite criticism and opposition from different sectors (and my own doubts on several political issues), I do have to say I live in an exceptionally democratic country. That is, if you use elections as one of the indicators for democracy.

I won’t get into the very involved political controversies of this, my tiny country. Just to say I do love it here, I would rather think positively about all things in life, in general, so I refrain from making any type of political comment. 🙂 I simply bring this up here to share that yesterday we were called to yet another election, this time with regard to a 10-question referendum. If you really, really are curious about it, there’s an article here that gives a little insight.

I should point out that when I was growing up in this country, we lived most of the time under military dictatorships. I only recall once as a child going with my father to see him vote. It really impressed me. And maybe that is why any election day here seems to reflect a lot of the culture, and becomes a celebration. Like many other Ecuadorians, for us it is a family event. Meaning we all go out together to vote. Strangely enough, even though we all share the same address, we all have to vote in different places. So yesterday morning was pretty much spent hopping around town, while each one of us took his or her turn voting.

I didn’t have my camera with me for the first two times, when Jamie and I went to vote, and then I forgot to take pictures of my mom voting (we ran into someone we knew and I got distracted!). But I did finally remember with my oldest son, Jono. Can you see him waiting in line?

Elections usually take place here on Sunday, but this time around it was set for Saturday because of Mother’s Day. Which I am celebrating today just the way I like it… a quiet day with the kids (they are cooking!) and my mom. No bells and whistles, just enjoying some family time together.

I hope your Mother’s Day is just as special!

This entry was posted in Life in Ecuador. |Comments closed


  1. Posted May 8, 2011 at 10:49 am | Permalink

    Feliz Dia de las Madres! Having a wonderful break today and able to catch up a bit with all my blog friends: Angie, I have missed you, and can see you have been so very busy: Go Girl! Abrazotes, enjoy your day!

  2. Posted May 8, 2011 at 7:44 pm | Permalink

    We just finished another election here in Canada. We finally have a majority government so we are now good for another 4 years. I don’t miss a chance to vote as so many people in this world don’t have the opportunity and would love to be able to. I too had a wonderful day. Very peaceful and quiet……………….just the way I like it.

  3. Irene
    Posted May 8, 2011 at 11:50 pm | Permalink

    Feliz día de las Madres! En mi país este día se celebra el 10 de mayo, no el segundo domingo, por lo que la celebración se prolonga un poco: quienes no pueden compartir con sus madres el martes 10, lo han hecho este domingo, y los colegios agasajan a las madres desde días antes, así que ya no es un día, sino casi una semana de agasajos. Para mí fue muy especial esta mañana en Misa, pues nos dieron una pequeña vela a todas, que encendimos al finalizar la misa, y el Sacerdote nos dedicó unas hermosas palabras e impartió una bendición especial para nosotras, fue un momento muy emotivo.

  4. Irene
    Posted May 9, 2011 at 12:13 am | Permalink

    Happy Mother’s day to all of you! In my country, this day is on may 10th, instead of the 2nd.sunday of may, so the celebration actually lasts for some days. Those who aren’t able to share with their mothers on tuesday, did it today, and all schools have had celebrations for Mothers since some days ago, that makes this day lasts for loooooong time!
    Personally, I had a very special moment this morning at Church, because at the end of the Mass, we were provided with a small candle, which we lit while the Priest said some wonderful words about all we Mothers, ending with a blessing. It was a very touching moment!

  • Angie Padilla

    I am a self-learner. I taught myself to sew and to quilt. And I taught myself how to draw. I love to dye my own fabrics, am a fanatic of free-motion quilting, and dabble with mixed media. I am a quilt designer and teacher, and design and publish my own line of quilt patterns. With this blog I would like to share the bits and pieces of my life.

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