Should, could, would… I don’t know which it is. So maybe you don’t HAVE to know these things, but might just be curious about some little known facts about me.
Category Archives: This and that
On hurts and disappointment
Disappointment: the feeling of dissatisfaction that follows the failure of expectations or hopes to manifest. Similar to regret, it differs in that a person feeling regret focuses primarily on the personal choices that contributed to a poor outcome, while a person feeling disappointment focuses on the outcome itself.*
Oh me, oh my!
Just when I thought I’d never want anything more than Craftsy and TQS (my favorites) with regards to online learning, I just stumbled on a new website with a ton of fun content to offer.
A day in the life of a designer
One of the things my Jono often repeats to me is the need for me to take a vacation. And I smile and tell him my whole life is a constant vacation.
Define Success
One of the things I’ve been mulling over as I look back at these last eleven years is whether or not I’ve been successful in what I set out to do. And I started to realize “success” is rather an abstract concept, and not easy to define.
And from quilting teacher to quilt designer
You have probably heard many people’s stories about how they had to moonlight to start up their own small businesses, working regular jobs by day and developing their new business by night and on weekends. My experience was no different from theirs.
Cold and wet
According to the weather forecasters, over two weeks ago the winter season was coming to a close and the rains were to begin to stop. Since then, it has rained every single day. All over the country. 🙂
A quilt exhibition
Another walk down memory lane… May 2003. Yes… this is a month of reminiscing.
From conference interpreter to quilting professional
Before I decided to become a full-time quilting professional, I had been working many years as a conference interpreter and translator. That was what I studied for; that was –at that time– my passion in life. And I loved it. I have plenty of fun stories about that period in my life, but those will […]
Eleven years
Last week I lost a whole day somewhere. But what’s worse is that this week I seem to have lost a whole year!
Regrowing lettuce
Every now and then I take some time to browse around Pinterest – gardening tips are some of my favorites!
Fiber 5K to Fight Cancer
Cancer is a devastating disease that touches all of our lives – there is probably no one out there who hasn’t been affected by it in one way or another, either suffering it in one’s own body or having it touch the life of a loved one.
If animals can do it…
… why can´t we? Live in peace, harmony, and love, I mean. You’ve probably seen it before… when brought up together as babies, different animals do get along together, right?