During 2015 – 2016 I built and moved into my dream house. (You can read about this process here, here, and here.) My mother, my son and family, and I had been living in three different homes on the same property, which we sold and then moved out of town. Those houses would later be […]
Category Archives: In the kitchen
The problem with custom kitchens
Handy Dandy Kitchen Charts
Just came across a pretty nifty blog…. nothing to do with quilting, but you might find it useful for some pretty nifty charts! From S.B.LattinDesign.
Passing on the torch
Fanesca is the traditional Ecuadorian dish for Easter. It also happens to be my all-time favorite when it comes to Ecuadorian cuisine. I will never turn down an invitation to eat a bowl, regardless of who prepares it and what particular ingredients are included or left out. Except for “mellocos,” which you might have heard […]
Thai Cooking
My sweet child and only favorite daughter Jamie loves to cook. Let me put it this way: cooking is her quilting. (Ok, she likes to crochet, too! 🙂 )
Regrowing lettuce
Every now and then I take some time to browse around Pinterest – gardening tips are some of my favorites!
Jared (son #2) and his girlfriend, Karina, invited us all over to their place yesterday for an all-day crab fest. Yes, that’s what we know as a cangrejada. So I thought I would share a few images today of some typical Ecuadorian seafood.
Mother’s Day Every Day?
I hope you had a lovely, lovely day with your kids. From the comments some of you left yesterday, it seems you did. 🙂 And if everyone had a day like mine, I’m sure you’re wishing it was like this everyday!
Feta-herb popovers with mango dipping sauce
I wish I loved to cook as much as I love to quilt. Especially when I see photos like this one. You would actually think this would inspire me. And it does. I see a quilt pattern…
What’s for lunch?
Hmmm… how many of these do you think I can eat?
Figs anyone? Or how to go out of your mind trying to find ways to use them
You wouldn’t know it from looking at it. It isn’t even that big. But this little tree in our back yard spits out figs faster than a tennis ball machine. Literally. My mom had the leaves trimmed off for easier picking. Bags and bags have been given away to any friend willing to take them. […]
A weekend to catch up!
All of a sudden I feel like I have really fallen behind with work related (and personal!) activities! It seems we took a lot of photos this summer, so before they fall by the wayside I feel I really need to sort through them, trash the bad ones, organize the good ones, print those that […]
Homemade Fettuccine
Alexia and Julian will be returning to the U.S. tomorrow. It’s hard to believe the summer is practically over and everyone will be back in school next week. So to celebrate one of the most fun summers ever, and to wish our sweet kids a safe trip, we are having a family get-together today. And […]
New England Clam Chowder
Among the many, many reasons why I am so happy to have Jamie home again is that she likes to cook. And she is a wonderful cook at that. So over the past few weeks we have been able to enjoy several of her “works of art.” Yesterday she made me one of my favorite […]