For such a tiny country, Ecuadorian cuisine is truly varied and colorful. Being from the capital city, I am obviously a mountain girl and accustomed to the highland food (a lot of corn, grains, legumes, potatoes, veggies…). Yet we are really blessed to be able to obtain all types of food easily. Read More
Ecuadorian seafood
Embellishing challenge
Back in February, our friend Elena prepared some little blocks for each one of us in our sewing circle as a Valentine’s Day gift. The blocks are all the same, and her idea was that we all finish them to our liking. In the end, these blocks symbolize the thread of friendship that binds us together. Read More
Thursday Sewing Circle
Thursdays are always special because that is the day my sewing circle meets at my house. Yesterday we seemed particularly excited because we hadn’t met last week due to the Easter holiday. Elena had not been able to come to our last meeting and Mariangela has been gone for several weeks Read More
Fanesca is a traditional soup here in Ecuador and could very well be considered the national dish, as it is prepared throughout the entire country. It is only prepared once a year, during Easter, and served throughout Holy Week. Read More
This traditional Japanese wrapping cloth was used to carry clothing, food, and other goods from the market and its use is currently being promoted all around the world (thanks to an initiative of the Japanese Minister of the Environment). Read More
Fun weekend sewing
I decided to take a little break from machine quilting that large Sister’s Choice quilt for a little Easter sewing. That has included some fun stuffed Easter eggs and a darling basket. Although meant initially for Easter Egg gathering, this little basket I’m sure will see other uses! Read More
Down to the valley again
Jamie and I had a doctor’s appointment today (at the same hospital where my son Jonathan was operated on last December), so down the hill and to the Cumbayá valley hospital it was again today. Now Jamie traverses this road every day. Read More
Miniature Grandmother’s Flower Garden
A while back I wrote a review on a couple of new EPP books. For weeks I’ve been working on the project shown on one of the book covers – a couple of hours each evening. And now I’m finally finished! Read More
Woe is me!
I woke up early and in a good mood. The last three nights it has rained steadily, and I enjoy sleeping with the sound of rain. It is nice, however, when there’s sunshine to get up to in the morning. And even though it was really early, I could tell it was going to be a beautiful day. Read More
Machine Quilting
I have to admit I enjoy handwork more than machine sewing. And machine quilting has been a very slow learning process for me. Which is probably why the quilt that I am working on at the moment was set aside for almost three years! Read More
Ode to Women
If you’ve been following up on me for a while I’m sure you figured out a long time ago that I live in Latin America (Ecuador) and live between two cultures. I think in English most of the time, as that is the language we spoke and still speak at home. Read More
Life happens
Like anybody else, my life is full of good intentions. Such as posting frequently on this blog. I schedule time for this and that and try to keep organized. And then life takes over and challenges me to adapt and be flexible with all those well laid out plans. Read More
A week of creative doodling
There’s never any one factor to explain how or why I come up with different design ideas. Sometimes, like this week, it is just because the rain keeps me indoors and, therefore, spending a lot of time on the computer. And, very often, ideas come to me in dreams. Does that happen to you? Read More