In a previous life (as an interpreter) I was required to dress up for work. This meant I collected suits and shoes as well as briefcases and purses. I also collected jewelry, went to the hairdresser on a regular basis, and used make-up every day.
Category Archives: Life in Ecuador
More Care Packages
Evenings I enjoy knitting, and this week I’ve been working on a a couple of hats for Julian and Alexia. Last night I finished them and will pop them in the mail today, along with the lobster claw and bug mittens I made for Julian last week.
At the Handicraft Market
Our friends Jess and Charles needed to make one last visit to the handicraft market before heading back to Boston after the holidays. Naturally, I went along for the ride!
What to do while waiting for the electricity to come back on
It’s been well over a month now of energy rationing. Initially it was to have ended by Dec. 1, then Dec. 15, and now we’re told “hopefully” by Christmas Eve. Patience. At least the rationing in my neighborhood takes place in the morning. Sitting in the dark at night is no fun.
Day of shaking, banging, thudding and noise!
I don’t know if I’ve mentioned before how privileged we are in where we live. It is unusual in a metropolitan city to be able to live on a large property like ours, with lots of green. If you were to look down from an elevated area, you would easily be able to spot us […]
Cities around the world by night
Ahh! I love good photography… such a wonderful art form! So I just had to share these beautiful pictures sent to me of night shots of some beautiful cities around the world… including my city!
Coping with the energy crisis
Since this is my third post in a row dealing with this subject, you can probably imagine by now that it is a BIG issue in my corner of the world. It looks like energy rationing is going to take place for more than just a few days… we’re talking about weeks.
Glittens and more blackouts
Remember the yarn I bought last weekend? Well, given the fact that it appears we are in for several days (if not weeks) of blackouts due to the energy crisis, I would say I will be going through it pretty fast. Sewing is out by candlelight, but knitting is still feasible.
More sewing with friends and a blackout
Another Thursday and another gathering of our sewing circle. Have I mentioned I love Thursdays? And yesterday was special because we had our friend Mariangela back with us, albeit for only a few weeks because she will be returning to Italy before Christmas.
Day of the Dead
This was an extra long holiday weekend. As throughout all Latin America, Nov. 2 was the Day of the Dead or, as known locally, Finados. And then Nov. 3 is the day in which we celebrate the independence of Cuenca, the third largest city in Ecuador and the second one – along with Quito – […]
Shopping for wool
I hadn’t been downtown for a couple of months. In fact, the last time I went was the week before Jamie left. I finally made it down there yesterday. Every time I find myself in the colonial part of the city I am reminded of how beautiful it is.
Mega Kywi
Unless you’ve lived in a Third World country, this post might be a little difficult to understand. But try to imagine growing up in a place where shopping took place in open markets and fairs, and little shops scattered here and there.
Lovely handicrafts
In preparation for Jamie’s upcoming trip and year in the U.S., a shopping spree at the local handicraft market was necessary. The variety of beautiful handmade items is a reminder of one of the advantages we have living in Ecuador.