Our friend Susy brought her 6 year-old granddaughter (also named Susy) to our sewing circle this week. And for four hours this tiny little soul sat patiently with us, doing her own thing and –as we we were soon to see– quietly listening and taking it all in.
Category Archives: This and that
Top 3 reasons for following a blog
I use Google Reader to organize and read all my RSS feeds. It’s so convenient. So much so, over time it seems it has become way too easy to subscribe to far too many blogs. It has come to over 1,000 feeds in a day, and that’s just too much for me.
How to reduce your waistband in under 5 minutes
Now don’t go getting all excited on me, thinking I’ve got a great miracle diet going on here. I said waistband, not waistline! 🙂
Rather an odd number, I know. And no, it isn’t my house number. Neither does it belong to my P.O. box. It isn’t a pin number or a password. In fact, until now I hadn’t associated it with anything in particular, so it is a number I could easily forget. That is, until my techie […]
Learning a new platform
We get a lot of requests for individual patterns. So in addition to our website membership Jared and I decided we really needed to open an online pattern shop this year.
On my work table
Although the week started out with a couple of mornings of promising sunshine, unfortunately the warmer weather didn’t stick. And the last couple of days it has rained day and night. With this kind of weather, one just wants to stay put.
Follow Friday: Drawspace
Are you itching to design your own applique or art quilts but hesitate because you don’t think you have the ability to draw? Think again!
Out of hibernation
Over the past month the weather here has been cold, cold, cold, and wet. Now don’t get me wrong. I am quite aware that cold weather where I live in no way compares to the snow and freezing temperatures in other parts of the world.
Liebster Blog Award
I was tagged over the weekend by Wayne Kollinger for the Liebster Blog Award. Now normally I wouldn’t participate in a tagging game, but this time I was intrigued, for two reasons.
One Cause, One Wednesday, One Hundred Collages
In one way or another, we have all been touched by cancer. Some have been affected by some type of cancer in their own bodies; others of us have someone close to us battling the disease, and way too many of us have lost one or more loved ones to it. We can do something […]
Follow Friday: Twelve by Twelve
Ready for some eye candy? Looking for some inspiration? Willing to be challenged?
Nostalgia Hits: How I got Started Quilting – Part 3 (of 3)
In spite of my initial attraction and adventures in quilting, I doubt I would have taken it up seriously had it not been for Jared.
Nostalgia Hits: How I got Started Quilting – Part 2 (of 3)
They say ignorance is bliss. In my case, I think it was the cheeky arrogance of youth that led to the next quilting episode in my life.