Susy was the one person in our sewing circle this last week who was able to finish her Dove project. Well, except for the eye, that is, which she quickly fixed by sewing on a button. Read More
One finished dove
Quilting the Doves
For different reasons, our entire sewing circle had not been able to meet for over three weeks. In between, it’s just been a couple of us at a time, waiting for things to settle for our friends so we could return to our Thursday get-togethers. That finally happened this week. Read More
My new baby
No sewing this weekend. Boo hoo! The good news, however, is that Jared put a new computer together for me (finally… my old one was getting really slowwwww!), and it has taken me pretty much all weekend to move my files over, re-install my programs (I hadn’t realized how much quilting software I have!!!), and configure my system. Read More
More Care Packages
Evenings I enjoy knitting, and this week I’ve been working on a a couple of hats for Julian and Alexia. Last night I finished them and will pop them in the mail today, along with the lobster claw and bug mittens I made for Julian last week. Read More
Sweet, Tangy Sauce
Besides the usual (and some unusual) cookbooks, I keep my favorite recipes in a big, black binder that has started to fall apart. I figured it was time to sort them out – toss those I really don’t use and move those we truly do like onto index cards. Read More
A shocking confession?
Several years ago, when I first started quilting and discovered paper-piecing, I nearly became addicted to this technique. I loved the speed and the fact that it was a way to use up itty bitty scraps of fabric. Between then and now I don’t know what happened, nor where my aversion to this technique began. The truth is I now avoid it like the plague. Read More
Lobster Claws
As I mentioned in my last post, while talking to Julian over the weekend he informed me he was in dire need for mittens, at which point I pulled out the knitting needles and some yarn and made him a buggy pair. Read More
Bug Mittens
I had a long conversation over the phone yesterday with my favorite (and only!) grandson, Julian. He is now 8, and quite a delightful young man. Oh, so full of information about his interests, including movies, games, dogs, riding his bicycle and music. He even “writes” his own songs in his head and plays them to me over the phone. Read More
Hand quilting and a little fabric shopping
Working on a project design to share later in the year as part of the Dimensional Flowers BOM, I felt inspired to start working on a larger project for myself. I know, I should be working on the quilt I started a couple of weeks ago (here), but I’m still not happy with it and have lost some of my motivation. (I’m promising I will finish it next weekend!) Read More
Dove Progress
This week has been filled with computer work: designing and cleaning out my trusty machine. Jared is putting a new computer together for me, which finally pushed me to do some pretty necessary housekeeping, sorting out and deleting old files and folders. Read More
A Mosaic Quilt
I am truly a privileged person. I get to live each day of my life exactly the way I choose, close to the people I love, doing the things I enjoy, and with no regrets whatsoever. Read More
Amazing Technology
As I sit writing this, my daughter is sitting on a plane in the Milwaukee airport, taxiing to the runway and soon to lift off. How do I know this? Because for the past few hours I have been keeping her company via Skype. Read More
At the Handicraft Market
Our friends Jess and Charles needed to make one last visit to the handicraft market before heading back to Boston after the holidays. Naturally, I went along for the ride! Read More