Our friend Elena invited us to her house last week for our Thursday sewing circle. She lives in one of the valleys that surround Quito, and with the heavy traffic up and down that road (the same one we take to the hospital, remember?) it takes a while to get there. So a visit to her house is pretty much a whole day outing. Read More
Change of sewing venue
Jingle Bell Hat
These days you will find me still knitting quite a bit. Especially when the blackouts in my sector take place at night – I find it hard to sew by candlelight, but knitting is still feasible. Read More
Dove progress
Another Thursday and another gathering of our sewing circle. My friends arrive around 9 o’clock and after the usual greetings we settle down to sew. Naturally, show and tell comes first. Bachita, Susy, and Luchita are certainly making progress on their Christmas Dove projects. Read More
Coping with the energy crisis
Since this is my third post in a row dealing with this subject, you can probably imagine by now that it is a BIG issue in my corner of the world. It looks like energy rationing is going to take place for more than just a few days… we’re talking about weeks. Read More
Glittens and more blackouts
Remember the yarn I bought last weekend? Well, given the fact that it appears we are in for several days (if not weeks) of blackouts due to the energy crisis, I would say I will be going through it pretty fast. Sewing is out by candlelight, but knitting is still feasible. Read More
More sewing with friends and a blackout
Another Thursday and another gathering of our sewing circle. Have I mentioned I love Thursdays? And yesterday was special because we had our friend Mariangela back with us, albeit for only a few weeks because she will be returning to Italy before Christmas. Read More
Day of the Dead
This was an extra long holiday weekend. As throughout all Latin America, Nov. 2 was the Day of the Dead or, as known locally, Finados. And then Nov. 3 is the day in which we celebrate the independence of Cuenca, the third largest city in Ecuador and the second one – along with Quito – to be included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Trust sites. Read More
Shopping for wool
I hadn’t been downtown for a couple of months. In fact, the last time I went was the week before Jamie left. I finally made it down there yesterday. Every time I find myself in the colonial part of the city I am reminded of how beautiful it is. Read More
Fun appliqué sewing
The percentage of how many designs I actually sew as compared to what I draw is very small. Which is why I live vicariously through others. It’s fun when someone sends me a photo of their finished project based on one of my patterns. Read More
Last week for soap making
I squeezed in some time yesterday for another batch of soap. This could very well be the last for this year, although I’m still tempted to make more. It’s so much fun! Read More
In love with organza!
Probably one of the most fun sewing experiences for me this year have been those involving fabric collage using organza. Over the last few months I have purchased a few yards in different colors to use in some of my projects. Quite fun! Read More
Rain and a Second Try
My youngest brother, who lives in Omaha, writes to me today that they had snow yesterday and today and it’s cold, cold, cold. Coincidentally, it has been raining here in Quito yesterday and today, which is typical for what we know as “winter weather.” Read More
Challenging week and some pretty weird knitting
I am one of those people who get very impatient with illness. I come from a family that does not tolerate headaches or minor ailments. Which means when someone gets sick it’s serious. For colds and other minor conditions, you’re pretty much on your own and have to grin and bear it. (I think this is because since we do not often get sick, when we do we’re terrible patients!) Read More