I don’t know if I’ve mentioned before how privileged we are in where we live. It is unusual in a metropolitan city to be able to live on a large property like ours, with lots of green. If you were to look down from an elevated area, you would easily be able to spot us […]
Category Archives: This and that
Good reading
We are still experiencing electricity rationing. The government announced last night that it will probably last until the third week of December. We were supposed to get cut this morning, but that didn’t happen. I don’t know why, but I’m not complaining!
Cities around the world by night
Ahh! I love good photography… such a wonderful art form! So I just had to share these beautiful pictures sent to me of night shots of some beautiful cities around the world… including my city!
Rain and a Second Try
My youngest brother, who lives in Omaha, writes to me today that they had snow yesterday and today and it’s cold, cold, cold. Coincidentally, it has been raining here in Quito yesterday and today, which is typical for what we know as “winter weather.”
Putzing Around
Weekends around our house are pretty quiet, and a time for relaxing, watching movies, maybe cooking together. What isn’t usual is for me to find myself completely alone in this big rambling house.
Change of plans
I am what you could call a “structured” person. I feel most comfortable planning ahead, setting goals, working with timetables… Then life has the most unusual way of throwing little challenges my way – perhaps precisely to help me loosen up a bit and consider other possibilities.
A week of “radio silence”
No, I haven’t fallen off the planet. Nor have I gone over the edge with the planned-for-but-in-reality-deep-felt absence of Jamie and the kids. Although I have to admit this first couple of days since their departure I felt a little lost. I mean.. it’s so QUIET around here!
Care Package
As you know, Quito is the capital city of Ecuador (and a World Heritage site, of which we are very proud!). As such, when it comes to shopping you can find just about anything you need or want. Ok, maybe not as many quilting supplies as we’d like, but still… we manage.
Stand by me
From the award-winning documentary, “Playing For Change: Peace Through Music”, comes the first of many “songs around the world” being released independently.
A little bit of this, a little bit of that…
Once again, I have to admit I’m not a very consistent blogger. Granted, in the big scheme of life my little corner of the world might seem pretty tame and to some perhaps not much to write about. In my book, however, each day brings new learning and growth and so much to do I […]
New Toys
In addition to allowing us to slow down, enjoy the season and make time for each other, an additional advantage in not purchasing Christmas gifts in our family is that it frees everyone from guilt… particularly when it comes to spending $$$ on ourselves!!!
Learning something new and a sense of accomplishment!
Unless you yourself have spent hours working on a website you will think this post is absolutely crazy. I mean, you’ve been visiting us for a while, and you’ve seen “me” posting things here and there. And I do.
Just where have I been?
Someone sent me this website where you can track what countries in the world you have visited. I thought it was cool. Considering all the traveling I did in my former life as an interpreter, I thought my map would be pretty red.