I have about three fourths of this project quilted. Only three strips left to do, which I hope I can squeeze in this morning, before my friends arrive for our weekly sewing circle. Read More
Moving along with my wedding quilt
A New Look
Bet you were surprised when you came visiting today, right? Jared and I just haven’t been too happy with the way this blog looked, so over the past week have been working intensely to tidy things up. We hope that the “cleaner” look will make it easier for you to find things and make your visit here more pleasant. Hope you like it!
My New Beau
His name is Charlie. Charlie Singer, Esq., to be more precise.
He’s been tweaked. I wanted to say he’s been tweaked for my pleasure, but Jamie said that was highly inappropriate. Instead, I’m supposed to say he’s been adapted for free motion quilting. And that makes me happy. Read More
How to Master the Frog Stitch (as painlessly as possible)
As a community, quilters are known for their positive attitudes and even humorous outlook on life. As a beginner quilter, I quickly learned that there was a whole new language to learn, that pretty much reflects quilters’ quirkiness. Frog stitching was one of the first terms I would have to become familiar with, and a sewing technique I was quickly to master as a beginner quilting. Read More
How to Make Your Own (really cheap!) Cone Thread Stand
I have not been able to find a sturdy stand locally to use with cone threads. The only ones I’ve seen are attached to the table of industrial sewing machines. Purchasing one in the U.S. and having it shipped down has not seem cost-effective. Enter my homemade solution: Read More
2 Tips to Ensure Problem-Free Sewing
Later today I will be posting the sewing instructions for our Rectangle Fun Quilt-Along. Are you ready? While you wait, there are two things you can do to prepare for some fun sewing. Read More
Birthday Contest!
Okay, folks. I’m way passed the point where age is an embarrassment, and am willing to confess. My birthday is in September. I think I should celebrate “en grande” this year. And since I firmly believe every person should get to choose how to spend his or her birthday, I (once again) am going to do it my way. This year I choose to celebrate and share with you. Let’s have a contest! Read More
Pretty Fabric Bobbins
Over the last week we have had sporadic electricity blackouts in the morning. No computer, no sewing machine, no iron… Dear me, what’s a girl to do? I guess it’s the universe’s way of telling me to quit procrastinating and get some of the hot spots in my studio organized. So I finally hit three drawers that have become such mess, I cringe to even open them. Read More
Feta-herb popovers with mango dipping sauce
I wish I loved to cook as much as I love to quilt. Especially when I see photos like this one. You would actually think this would inspire me. And it does. I see a quilt pattern… Read More
The many forms of art
With Jamie back home and back in school, we have once again slipped into our normal routines. This means that (as often as possible) Friday is the time we take to spend together. And at least once a month that involves a day downtown, in the colonial part of the city. So that is precisely what we did yesterday. Read More
A quilted lunch bag and a bevy of bookmarks
Jamie asked me to make her a lunch bag. One the one hand, she wanted it to be roomy enough to hold her water bottle, sandwich, fruit, and salad. And then she didn’t want it to be too “fat.” That is, too deep. She wants to carry it in her backpack. I decided to give her all that, in her favorite colors, and added a couple of side pockets and a back pocket for her e-reader. It turned out so cute, I obviously had to write up the pattern. Read More
10 Household Tips
As I went to put this cereal box in the recycling bin I noticed it had writing on it in English. Read More
What’s for lunch?
Hmmm… how many of these do you think I can eat? Read More