One of the things I enjoy the most of having the grand kids here is being able to share artsy time together. I myself did not have a quilting mother or grandmother to show me the ropes, so sharing this knowledge with grandchildren is certainly very rewarding. I can easily envision how they, in turn, will probably pass this love of quilting down the line. Read More
Bigger Ambitions
Witchy girls
Jono, Jamie, and the kids all took off on Saturday for an overnight stay in Mindo. So I had a whole day of quiet time to myself! So what did I do? I drew a little, caught up on some work, watched the last two soccer games of the World Cup, and crocheted a couple of spiderweb hats for my girls. Read More
Plastic surgery? What for?
Friday we finally made our way downtown with the kids. The ultimate objective was to buy some yarn and have lunch in this beautiful, colonial part of town. Which we did. And made a few rather odd purchases while we were at it. I had my camera with me, yet managed to forget to take but a couple of pictures. Fortunately, Alexia had hers with and did a better job than I did… Read More
Another Thursday
Things seem to be happening really fast for me around here. Especially this last year with Jamie gone, I seem to have gotten used to a “quiet” groove, where I basically only had to take care of myself. So planning my days turned out to be pretty easy. Read More
Produce Market, Campus Tour, and a funny cart
My favorite cousin is in town for a few days visiting his dad, who just happens to be my favorite uncle. So the last couple of days have involved catching up… between soccer games. 🙂 Read More
Cancer Awareness Wall Hanging
This year I have been trying seriously to finish UFOs that have been sitting around literally for years. It’s hard when what I would like to do is start new ones, but enough is enough! I don’t know if I will actually be able to finish the year with zero UFOs, but at least I will have made a dent in the pile. Read More
Giveaway winners
First of all, a big THANK YOU to all of you who participated in the EQ6 Appliqué Drawing Book Giveway! One of the things I love about Internet technology is how it allows people from all over the globe to communicate easily. There is, however, an anonymity that sometimes makes it difficult for us to relate. So whenever you leave a comment, I feel happy to be connecting to a real person. Read More
Dulce de higos (fig preserves in syrup)
The last week has been all about family. And soccer. And no, I haven’t sat around watching three different soccer games a day, except for the weekend. 🙂 But there’s at least one match a day that HAS TO be seen and, when time allows, up to three. In between we have played games, cooked together, gone to the park, watched movies… and soccer. Read More
Hoo hoo hoot… and a final countdown
As I write, my “babies” (daughter Jamie, with her niece Alexia and nephew Julian) are sitting on a plane flying out of D.C. that will bring them home tonight. I am overjoyed and excited and can hardly sit still with the waiting. In another nine hours they will most probably be home and tucked in bed, and tomorrow we will begin two months of summer bliss with the kids. Read More
Transferring designs with Press ‘n Seal
Quilting by hand is probably what I enjoy the most of the whole quilting experience. It is the moment to center myself and quiet my soul. I find it incredibly relaxing, and it is a form of prayer for me. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t get much done if I hand quilted all my projects, so lately I have been trying to improve my machine quilting skills. Small projects like the placemats made a couple of days ago are a good place to practice! Read More
Review and (partial) Giveaway of Appliqué Drawing Book
Comments on this post are now closed. Winners will be announced shortly.
I was browsing through the latest digital edition of Down Under Quilts magazine a couple of days ago and lo and behold came across a review of my book EQ6 Appliqué Drawing. It’s very flattering to see things written about oneself, to say the least. And I find it very interesting to read about what draws someone else’s attention and what they have learned using this book. To read the full review, pop on over to Down Under Quilts magazine and log in to read the latest edition. Read More
Lone Star Quilt
How old is your oldest UFO? Mine is over seven years old. And I’ve even thought of scrapping it several times. Mainly because of that dark blue fabric… I put the top together during my “blue” period. Everything I did was blue. Read More
Autumn Wedding Quilt
Our good friends Jess and Charles (who have been Jamie’s home away from home this year whenever she needed a break from school) are getting married in the fall. And they have kindly accepted letting me make them a wedding quilt. They want it in autumn colors. Read More