Monthly Archives: June 2009

It’s not easy being green

Jamie’s favorite color is green. And lemon green at that. Especially if it’s tart. I don’t know if that is because she is fond of Kermit the Frog or if she likes Kermit because he is green.

Posted in Bed quilts | Comments closed

Strange Weather

Quito has often been described as “the land of eternal spring.” Which means we (usually) enjoy lovely, lovely weather all year round. We divide the year in roughly two seasons: winter and summer. All that means is that half of the year there is more rain, while the other tends to be dry.

Posted in Life in Ecuador | Comments closed

Floral Inspiration

While running around town with my mom this weekend (grocery shopping and other errands), we stumbled on a greenhouse just a few blocks from where we live that we didn’t even know existed!

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Care Package

As you know, Quito is the capital city of Ecuador (and a World Heritage site, of which we are very proud!). As such, when it comes to shopping you can find just about anything you need or want. Ok, maybe not as many quilting supplies as we’d like, but still… we manage.

Posted in This and that | Comments closed

Another Election Day

Voters in Ecuador returned to the polls again yesterday. This time we were electing our representatives to the Andean Parliament and, in the rural areas, local authorities at the parish level.

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Embellishments III

Ok, so here are the four little projects/variations I have prepared for my embellishment workshop. Plus a link to a tutorial with additional photos showing the process for preparing the background in the last of these cases… in case you would like to try your hand at it, too!

Posted in Teaching, Tutorials, Wall hangings | Comments closed

Embellishments II

In spite of being under the weather this week I was able to complete a few projects for the embellishment workshop I will be giving soon. I settled on a design and four different variations, which I will post soon. In the meantime, however, I was enjoying this process so much I prepared another little […]

Posted in Teaching, Wall hangings | Comments closed

Friends embellish, too!

During our Thursday sewing circle our friend Susy shared the project she had been working on this week: a quilted, embellished journal cover for her knitting notebook. She used lace, eyelet, buttons, paints, and tons of little beads to decorate her project. Lots of patience!

Posted in Sewing circle | Comments closed

Any knitters out there?

While out at the mall this weekend, Jamie saw this sweater she absolutely HAS TO HAVE! And, of course, it doesn’t come in her size (Ecuadorians are tiny). So when she turned her sad puppy eyes on me I naturally had to say “I’ll make it for you.” Easier said than done.

Posted in Knitting/Crochet | Comments closed

Under the weather

Jamie and I have been sick the last three days. It’s happened before, and usually it hits her first and harder than me, but it only takes a day for me to follow her lead. Initially we thought it was food poisoning, but today the coughing and sniffles began, indicating the flu.

Posted in Machines, Supplies, & Notions | Comments closed

The Lion King

Jamie likes to cook, not quilt. She believes it’s enough with one crazy lady in the family, and she’s bent on trying to balance things out so there is a modicum of normalcy in the household. However, even she now and then gives in to the creative sewing impulse and agrees to embark on a […]

Posted in Sewing/Quilting | Comments closed

Embellishments I

I have been asked to give an embellishment workshop over the summer. This is an area where I myself do not have a great deal of experience. But I’m told I am the closest we can get to an “expert” in a country with no quilting tradition.

Posted in Teaching, Wall hangings | Comments closed

Stained Glass Bougainvillae

Strictly speaking, I guess I shouldn’t count this as my “learn something new” project of the week, because I have made my share of stained glass projects before. But it’s been a while since I worked on something like this (other than my little class samples the other day), and everytime I do learn something […]

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