This was my Jamie’s first year away from home at Christmas time. In fact, this is the longest we have ever been separated. And I’m sure anyone who has been away from home at Christmas can identify with the homesickness and nostalgia. Read More
A Recap of the Holidays
I like this purse!
Although strangely a new experience, I must say it’s kind of nice to find myself this close to Christmas not running around trying to finish things. Of course, there are no cookies to show off this year, and no last-minute gifts to rush through… Read More
Making my own fabric
With our family reduced to a mere trio for Christmas this year, I haven’t done my usual baking and decorating. These are activities I prefer doing with the kids. For myself, I’ve put one little tree up in my studio, along with a few decorations and a pink poinsettia I bought myself over the weekend. Read More
Christmas sneaking up!
I had a tiny panic attack Wednesday night when I realized our sewing circle would be meeting the following day for the last time before Christmas. Because of the hectic season, we have fallen into the habit of getting together between Christmas and New Year’s for our own holiday celebration, which involves a whole day of sewing and a super special lunch at our friend Susy’s house, down in one of the valleys surrounding Quito. Read More
What to do while waiting for the electricity to come back on
It’s been well over a month now of energy rationing. Initially it was to have ended by Dec. 1, then Dec. 15, and now we’re told “hopefully” by Christmas Eve. Patience. At least the rationing in my neighborhood takes place in the morning. Sitting in the dark at night is no fun. Read More
Faith – an Amazing Embroidery Project
While doing some blog browsing earlier today I came across this absolutely spectacular project. Over a three-year period, and with the work of almost 260 volunteers, this project reproduces a woman’s 17th-century linen waistcoat lavishly embroidered in silk and gold. Simply amazing. Read More
Day of shaking, banging, thudding and noise!
I don’t know if I’ve mentioned before how privileged we are in where we live. It is unusual in a metropolitan city to be able to live on a large property like ours, with lots of green. If you were to look down from an elevated area, you would easily be able to spot us because of all of the trees on our property, in the middle of a residential sector where more and more houses are being torn down to make way for apartment buildings. Read More
Making my own cording
I am easily sidetracked. Which means it sometimes takes me longer to get something done than it should have. On the other hand, sometimes that sidetracking takes me down an interesting path! Read More
Playing with texture
Over the past year and a half, every time my friend Mariangela has traveled either to the U.S. or to Italy, she has brought me back some very interesting sewing supplies. For many of you, particularly in the U.S., these materials might probably be well known, as they are readily available in the U.S. market. For us, they are quite a novelty, so these gifts have been quite exciting for me and so very well received. Read More
Good reading
We are still experiencing electricity rationing. The government announced last night that it will probably last until the third week of December. We were supposed to get cut this morning, but that didn’t happen. I don’t know why, but I’m not complaining! Read More
Another Thursday
Our sewing circle yesterday was quieter, though as fun as usual. It’s amazing how one person can make such a difference in a group – we are already missing our friend Mariangela. Read More
Thanksgiving Thursday
Thanksgiving is not a holiday here in Ecuador. As a family, however, we do try to get together and celebrate this part of our heritage. Since it is a regular working day, we have found it best to have our Thanksgiving dinner in the evening. Read More
Cities around the world by night
Ahh! I love good photography… such a wonderful art form! So I just had to share these beautiful pictures sent to me of night shots of some beautiful cities around the world… including my city! Read More