The cost of 100% cotton fabric at our one and only LQS went up almost 30% last month. And, quite unfortunately, they don’t import batiks or any of the other “mottled” fabrics I find myself more drawn to lately. So I’m really looking into more economic (and fun) solutions when it comes to replenishing my fabric stash. Read More
Tea Colored Painted Fabric
On my work table
Although the week started out with a couple of mornings of promising sunshine, unfortunately the warmer weather didn’t stick. And the last couple of days it has rained day and night. With this kind of weather, one just wants to stay put. Read More
At long last: Flamboyant Extravagance
After a little indecision, and A LOT of help from my friends, I finally tackled and finished this UFO. It has been quilted, bound, labeled, and is currently drying out after blocking it. Read More
Baby Cocoons
My oldest niece is expecting a baby girl in May. It’s been nearly a decade since there was a baby in the family (Julian, now 9+, is the youngest member), so it’s kind of exciting to think about a wee one after all these years. Read More
Follow Friday: Linda Matthews
This is a very busy day for me, so this post is going to be really short and sweet. Just long enough to share a link to the website and blog of one of my very favorite textile art teachers.
More finished afghans
My friends and I continue to work on crochet projects. Not during our Thursday meetings, but in the evenings, when the light isn’t the best for sewing, but good enough for knitting or crocheting. Read More
How to make a “green” airtight bag sealer
I love to learn new things. In fact, I have a personal goal to learn one new thing each day. Sometimes these are *big* things, like a new quilting technique or learning a new platform for my website (something my techie son has me working on lately!). But most days my new learning is about small, simple things. Like a new word. Or a concept. Looking at something *old* in a new way… you get it. Read More
Castle Garden
It only took me another month, some self-doubting and a lot of hemming and hawing… but I finally finished another UFO. Yay for me! 🙂 Read More
Lucky breaks
As you know, for those of us who quilt in countries where quilting is not a tradition, the biggest challenge is finding suitable fabrics and other materials needed for this art form. But every now and then we get really, really lucky. Read More
Sweet Wildflowers
The only quilting magazine I subscribe to is Quilting Arts. I like the fact that they offer a digital edition –oh, so ecological, in addition to instant gratification– which makes it completely affordable for those of us outside the U.S. Read More
Follow Friday: Drawspace
Are you itching to design your own applique or art quilts but hesitate because you don’t think you have the ability to draw? Think again! Read More
Talented friends
During our Thursday get-togethers I really enjoy seeing how my friends progress with their different projects. Read More
How would you quilt this?
In spite of my good intentions, I only finished half of the UFOs I had planned to complete in February. I won’t be hard on myself – perhaps I was too ambitious. My aim for March, however, is to at least complete the two projects I wasn’t able to work on last month.