Well, not really. Actually, not at all. Just a little play on words to describe Alexia’s latest production. Her quilt is now finished, washed and spread out on her bed, waiting for her return from the beach. I blame her mother for her quirky sense of humor. I mean, have you ever seen a quilt before with cheese and mice falling all over it? Read More
One cheesy quilt!
More tie-dyeing!
All the kids – Jamie, Jono, Alexia, and Julian – have taken off for the beach again. It’s a long holiday weekend and they wanted to take advantage of this last chance before Julian and Alexia have to return home in a couple of weeks. And, of course, they wanted some more tie-dyed T-shirts to take with them. No matter what you do, they always turn out great. The kids absolutely love this activity. Read More
Orange, turquoise, and black
I’ve finished Julian’s quilt top and have to say… I am loving this quilt! Alexia has also finished her quilt top, and I have to say it’s pretty cute. There’s a twist to her design, and I’m not going to give it away until it is actually quilted and finished. So without giving too much away, here are a couple of close-ups of both quilt tops. Now, off to sandwich both and hopefully get them quilted this week! Read More
A boy’s quilt
So this weekend has been set aside for cutting and piecing a quilt for Julian. I thought it was high time to start using those plaid fabric samples it took me so long to iron and store… So I pulled out the container and let Julian pick and choose the ones he liked best for his quilt. Read More
More Bangles
Building up our gift closet here… Read More
A Million Minutes for Peace
Odyssey Networks invites you to participate in A Million Minutes for Peace.
People of different faiths from all over the world will stop at noon and pray for peace for one minute – each in their own way on September 21st – the U.N. International Day of Peace. Read More
Fabric Bangles
Among the many reasons why it is so much fun to have the kids here this summer is because every day there is something crafty going on. These kids are good for me in that way. Yesterday was a particularly crafty day, after the shaving cream fabric dyeing and flower pounding with Julian in the morning, and then some more crafty goodness with Alexia in the afternoon. Read More
Flower Pounding
I think I’ve already mentioned that this year Julian just has not been as interested in sewing as in earlier years. What he has been enthusiastic about has been preparing fabrics for sewing. Today we did a little more fabric dyeing with shaving cream, for a small pencil case I will be making him for school. And then we got it into our heads to do a little flower pounding. So off we went for a little walk to collect some leaves and flowers. Read More
Between one project and another, Alexia has finished her little wall hanging. This little piece has been important in her quilting experience because it has involved learning new techniques. To begin, the background fabric was one of the pieces she prepared with tie dyeing. She added a few tiny scraps of fabric and ribbon in a variation of one of my methods for fabric collage. And then she free motion quilted it all by herself. Read More
Girls’ Day Out
We took some time out yesterday for a girls’ lunch out at Jamie’s favorite restaurant in town: La Terraza del Tártaro (steak & seafood). Alexia is still at the beach with her dad, so it was Jamie, my mom, daughter-in-law Karina, and me. We’ve been going to this restaurant for as long as I remember (yep, way back when I was a teenager), and it’s our favorite place for special celebrations, such as birthdays. Jamie has been hankering to go because it’s been a whole year for her without a piece of meat! So this was the day for some girl time! Read More
New England Clam Chowder
Among the many, many reasons why I am so happy to have Jamie home again is that she likes to cook. And she is a wonderful cook at that. So over the past few weeks we have been able to enjoy several of her “works of art.” Yesterday she made me one of my favorite soups: New England clam chowder. She says it’s so simple to make… Now, why have I never tried this before? Hmmm… here is her recipe! Read More
Summer crafting!
Jono left early this morning with Julian and Alexia for a week of beach fun. So this is my chance to catch up with some work and some blogging. It certainly has been fun for me to have the kids here, and we have tried to fit something crafty in every day, which means days have been busy. Blogging certainly has taken second place. But I’d like to share at least a little of what we’ve been doing. Read More
Making Sushi
This family LOVES Sushi! But we rarely eat it because it is so expensive. So this weekend Jared (DS#2) and Karina took it upon themselves to teach us all how to make it. And are we excited about how fun and how easy it was to do… why the heck is it so expensive to buy? Read More