I am one of those people who get very impatient with illness. I come from a family that does not tolerate headaches or minor ailments. Which means when someone gets sick it’s serious. For colds and other minor conditions, you’re pretty much on your own and have to grin and bear it. (I think this is because since we do not often get sick, when we do we’re terrible patients!) Read More
Challenging week and some pretty weird knitting
Putzing Around
Weekends around our house are pretty quiet, and a time for relaxing, watching movies, maybe cooking together. What isn’t usual is for me to find myself completely alone in this big rambling house. Read More
Gift Closet
This is something I’ve thought about for a long time but never gotten around to doing. And then I find that slowly but surely I have a small pile of handmade items I have separated for those moments when I might need a quick last-minute gift. What I hadn’t realized is that they are stashed in different places, and it’s really time to organize. Read More
Small Project Sneak Peek
So I’ve been busy trying to catch up here and am working on some of the small projects I plan to bring to you in October. Curious about what they will be? Well, just take a look! Read More
On Friendship and Making Soap
How often have you heard that phrase: “You can choose your friends, but not your family.” I don’t know, however, if that statement is really true. Sometimes people actually turn their back on family, but that’s not my point here. Read More
Change of plans
I am what you could call a “structured” person. I feel most comfortable planning ahead, setting goals, working with timetables… Then life has the most unusual way of throwing little challenges my way – perhaps precisely to help me loosen up a bit and consider other possibilities. Read More
Sewing with friends
Two of our friends are traveling at the moment. Mariangela is back in Italy for a few months, and Bachita has traveled to the U.S. for the birth of a grandson. So our sewing circle was quieter this week… although still very productive. Read More
Mega Kywi
Unless you’ve lived in a Third World country, this post might be a little difficult to understand. But try to imagine growing up in a place where shopping took place in open markets and fairs, and little shops scattered here and there. Read More
A week of “radio silence”
No, I haven’t fallen off the planet. Nor have I gone over the edge with the planned-for-but-in-reality-deep-felt absence of Jamie and the kids. Although I have to admit this first couple of days since their departure I felt a little lost. I mean.. it’s so QUIET around here! Read More
Farewell lunch
My awesome mother made a wonderful lunch yesterday to wish Jamie and the kids farewell and a good trip today. The day seemed to suit the mood: all travel arrangements had been completed and although there was some packing left, everything had been assembled and there was nothing left to do but enjoy the warm weather and a great day together. Read More
Finished projects and creepy kids
Sewing with kids is really fun. As compared to most adults, they are fearless. I have discovered that certain precautions are important… such as slowing down the speed on the sewing machine a bit, because they really like to let it rip. Read More
A little knitting, a little sewing…
The kids came back from the beach yesterday afternoon and we are all now busy finishing our projects together and enjoying the last few days before their departure this weekend. In between there are games to be played, movies to be watched, outdoor activities and even some cooking together. Read More
Little travel projects
The kids have gone to the beach with their dad over what is a long holiday weekend here in Ecuador. So it’s been quiet… just Jamie and me. Nice, as we enjoy these last few days together before her departure this upcoming Sunday. Read More