Strictly speaking, I guess I shouldn’t count this as my “learn something new” project of the week, because I have made my share of stained glass projects before. But it’s been a while since I worked on something like this (other than my little class samples the other day), and everytime I do learn something new. Read More
Stained Glass Bougainvillae
More weekend sewing
I guess I’m no different than any other quilter: no matter how much I try and work in an organized fashion, I, too, am guilty of not finishing projects. Do you make deals with yourself to finish a quilt before starting another one? It’s hard, isn’t it? I often get to the quilting stage and then get excited about a new project, move on to that and leave the previous one… “for later.” Read More
Ultra Quick Shopping Tote
The shop where I teach is going to have a sale to make space for new fabrics. Among the products they are trying to move are all these animal panels – most of them are to make cushions and tablecloths. Read More
Lovely New Purse
When there isn’t a lot of time to sew a large project, I start on something smaller to get my sewing “fix.” There’s no better rush than that of finishing a project well and enjoying the end results. Read More
Productive friends
My Thursday sewing circle met again this week, as usual. And, as usual, there was a lot to share and ooohing and aaahing as we admired each other’s work. A lot seemed to have happened this week as we shared of our lives, with all the joys and concerns of everyday living, which makes this group of friends special. Read More
Preparing a new class… and a little fun sewing
As we approach summer it will also soon be time to offer new classes to students who have a little more time on their hands. This year people have been asking for ideas on how to make different bags. So I’ve been structuring a class with five different “basic bags.” Read More
A little sewing… a little knitting
My sweet Jamie turned 21 last week. This is the child I very consciously tried to slowdown for and enjoy every minute (the boys just went by too quickly and they were grown up before I knew). And still here we are: she’s all grown up and it went by way to fast. Read More
Stand by me
From the award-winning documentary, “Playing For Change: Peace Through Music”, comes the first of many “songs around the world” being released independently. Read More
General Elections 2009
For what seems like the umpteenth time in the last three years, Ecuador is going back to the polls today to elect (or, more probably re-elect) president and vice-president, assembly members (parliament) and local authorities (mayors and council members). Read More
Handicrafts at the Santa Clara Market
My mom will be traveling to the U.S. next month to visit family and friends. So we decided to take some time yesterday to visit the Santa Clara market and do some handicraft shopping. This market is basically a veggie and fruit market, and on the surrounding streets there are tons of little handicraft shops. Read More
Mariangela is back
Our friend Mariangela traveled back to her native Italy several weeks ago. Since then, we have corresponded by e-mail and have talked on the phone a couple of times… but it’s not quite the same. So we were delighted to have her back this week – the group always feels someone’s absence, and it’s nice to be “complete” again. Read More
Hibiscus… finished!
It seems like I’ve been working on this project for ages! I have had to remind myself that I actually have been working on it ye one morning a week, when my sewing circle meets. I decided this week, however, that there was only a little quilting left, plus the binding, so I might as well finish it now. Read More
A morning of sewing
I don’t normally have much time to sew so many of the projects I design. But every now and then I just can’t resist. So this morning I spent sewing this miniature table runner I designed yesterday afternoon. I should have been working on writing up the pattern, so that will have to wait ’til tomorrow. Read More