Category Archives: Sewing/Quilting

What I most enjoy doing with my time!

A scrappy lap quilt

Last week, while dusting/cleaning my sewing studio, I came across a bag that apparently went through three different moves from one house to another without ever being opened up and unpacked.

Also posted in Bed quilts, Machine Quilting, Scrap busting | Comments closed

Experimenting with fabric collage

I’ve been working on a scrappy quilt the last few days, and after trimming up my blocks ended up with a little pile of shavings I just didn’t have the heart to throw out.

Also posted in Art Quilts / Mixed Media, Tutorials, Yummy fabrics | Comments closed

A little beetle

Popping in quickly, to post this one picture. A beetle.

Also posted in Applique, Machine Quilting, Wall hangings | Comments closed

Prayer Flags

Prayer flags are part of the ancient Buddhist tradition. Traditionally, they are used to promote peace, compassion, strength, and wisdom. it is believed that “the words and symbols printed on the flags (the prayers) are spread throughout the universe as the flags flutter in the wind. Everyone who is touched by that wind is touched […]

Also posted in Family, Inspiration, Small quilted projects | Comments closed

A little memory quilt

The youngest of my father’s sisters suffered from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease for several years, during which time her husband was able to take care of her at home. Their three daughters live in other countries and came and went as much as possible, in an enormous effort to support their parents during those difficult […]

Also posted in Family, Life in Ecuador, Wall hangings | Comments closed

Free-form Poppies

A lazy Sunday afternoon. After a week of intensive work, I needed (and deserved!) a little break. Time to sew!

Also posted in Applique, Art Quilts / Mixed Media, Machine Quilting | Comments closed

Heavenly Angels

Another project finished. AND… it’s only taken me eleven years to do so! Some project seem to take forever.

Also posted in Embellishments, Machine Quilting, Wall hangings | Comments closed

Flower Power Quilt Along

Like any other quilt maker, my #1 “complaint” is the lack of time to sew everything I would like to sew. So when it comes to other designers’ BOMs and quilt alongs, I tend to admire from a distance, and very, very rarely participate. I have enough UFOs as it goes, and don’t want to […]

Also posted in Machine Quilting | Comments closed

Lots of face masks

Just like everyone else on the planet, my niece and I have also been busy making face masks.

Also posted in This and that | Comments closed

Our 2020 Block-of-the-Month projects

Oh, boy, oh boy, oh boy! As much as I love to draw and prepare quilt patterns, I rarely have time to sew up all these projects. I think this year I am going to have to make the effort. If I say so myself… I’m loving our 2020 BOM projects!

Also posted in BOMs | Comments closed

Scandinavian Flowers

A new year… In looking back at what I was able to accomplish during 2019, I am happy. It seems I never have enough time to do all I would like to, but last year I came close.

Also posted in Bed quilts | Comments closed

A fun, fun ornament

I am in full Christmas mood. I know, I know… it’s still September… and I just can’t help myself. 🙂

Also posted in Christmas, Small quilted projects, Teaching | Comments closed

More panel fabric

Trying to decide what to do with more panel fabric. Enter this beautiful wine-themed fabric… yards and yards of it. What was I thinking?

Also posted in Panel Quilts | Comments closed
  • Angie Padilla

    I am a self-learner. I taught myself to sew and to quilt. And I taught myself how to draw. I love to dye my own fabrics, am a fanatic of free-motion quilting, and dabble with mixed media. I am a quilt designer and teacher, and design and publish my own line of quilt patterns. With this blog I would like to share the bits and pieces of my life.

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