I think I’ve already mentioned that the only quilting magazine I subscribe to is Quilting Arts. First, because each issue is packed with things that really interest me. At this point in my own development, I’m not interested in sewing someone else’s projects, but in learning new techniques. Secondly, I purchase this magazine because they offer a digital subscription. Read More
Embroidery Hoop Wall Pocket
A busy summer, and some time to play
This is turning out to be a summer with quite a few visitors. Which is my explanation for why I’m only popping in occasionally these days for a little chat. It’s not every day I get to see so many of my favorite people around, so I have to take advantage and spend as much time with them as possible. Fortunately, though, they are not landing all at once. As one leaves, another arrives, allowing for some real quality time. Read More
Connecting the world through music. That is the mission of the Playing for Change movement. Haven’t heard about them? Then you’re in for a treat! Read More
A last word on giveaways
My last post seemed to strike a nerve among visitors, and the comments left gave me some additional insights to think about. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It has helped me define my own position on the subject. Read More
U.S. Residents Only
I don’t feel comfortable when reading “ranting” posts. I would much rather focus on the positive than on the negative. And if bothered by something, I think acting –doing something– tends to be more constructive than complaining. So please bear with me –and forgive me– for what I am now about to do. Believe me, it goes beyond simply letting off steam. Read More
Christmas in July
Boy, this has been a busy week, getting files prepared for posting and images all in order. As a reward (that’s how I see it), my *baby* brother is in town for a visit. Which was one of the reasons why I wanted all my patterns for this month finished and ready to go, so I could take some time off and visit with him! Read More
A little art quilt
I am quickly discovering that the longest part of the process for me in making an art quilt vs. a traditional quilt is deciding on the concept. Take my latest little project. Read More
From the mouths of babes
Our friend Susy brought her 6 year-old granddaughter (also named Susy) to our sewing circle this week. And for four hours this tiny little soul sat patiently with us, doing her own thing and –as we we were soon to see– quietly listening and taking it all in. Read More
A little summer break
I’ve got jingle bells ringing through my head, even as I sleep! Time to remember the actual time of year. I’m not headed to the beach (yet), but am enjoying the warmer weather. Read More
Mid-year is right around the corner!
And that means that Christmas in July is quickly sneaking up on me. Which explains my relative silence here over the past few days… I am madly drawing and patterning. (Is that a word?) Read More
Pyramid Purse
My techie son Jared has been after me for quite a while to learn to make video tutorials. I kept putting it off, mainly because I thought the learning curve would be rather high and I would need to set a good chunk of time aside to learn. As usual, he was right, and I was wrong. Read More
A graduation gift
I was given a reprieve on the gift-making front. One of the birthday celebrations was pushed back a week, and Jamie decided she wanted to wait to celebrate her friend’s graduation one-on-one, sometime this week. So I had a couple more days to ponder on what to make. Read More
Lynn’s Handy Helper
I am lucky when it comes to visitors to my blog. You give me some great feedback, and more than once have helped out with ideas when I am stumped. Read More